Monday 23 January 2012

Wobbly Week Three

So well into Week 3 now... Have had a few wobbles but had a loss last week which was very much unexpected! -1lb! That is 5lb down over my first few weeks. So this week's aim is 2lb... I want that silver 7!

Have been having a few wobbles and I have got very disheartened a few times, but thanks to the other half I am still on track. I made him promise that this time he is not to let me give up! No matter how much I moan! Its working! He is doing really well with helping me motivate my wobbles to walk, jog, exercise generally.

I have been tracking everything, measuring out my portions, drinking water. My tracker and my little purple book have been my bibles for the last few weeks.

This week I have rooted out my old Fabulous and Filling Weight Watchers cookbook and converting them to pro points, and have dug out a few receipes to try out.

Found a few really good for economising points too!

Will be adding them in the next hour or so....

Roll on WI on Wednesday evening.

1 comment:

  1. 5 pounds great loss in two weeks be proud of that. :) good luck this week! looking forward to the recipes
