Wednesday 11 January 2012

First Weigh In

After countless attempts and all best intentions which lasted about as long as it took the Chinese or Chippy to arrive, I have really decided that enough is enough and I had to take the bull by the horns and finally do something about this collection of tyres I am collecting.

I think like most people I had a moment of pure "OMFG!!!" when I saw photos of myself from a recent holiday. After being ill and unable to walk properly for the guts of a year I tended to use that as an excuse not to get up off my ever growing backside. A bit like the "oh I just had a baby" while whispering the fact that the baby is walking and talking and is already halfway through primary school.

2012 is going to be the year of BIG changes.

There is 46lbs to lose. Two weddings, a hens and a holiday to aim for. It shall be done!!!!

So after the initial shock of how much weight I had gained over the past 2 years (almost 2 stone!) I cracked on with my 27 pro points a day.

The new plan seems really good. I very rarely feel hungry which is great. The bonus points are coming in handy too. This week I used just 11 of the 49 weekly points. And earned 16 activity points and considering how lazy I am, I am pretty happy with that.

The Chef inside me is in her element, with Fajitas, Quesadillas, Tikkas and Fritattas being created over the last week.

First weigh in down and I have lost 4lbs!

42lbs left!!!!

Aim for next week is 3lbs. I want that silver 7!!!!!


  1. I'm with ya sista! Am also on 27pp and have 45lbs to loose! This is the year God damn it :-) Love the 1st post, keep em coming! :-)

  2. Ah thanks hun! Best of luck today! Let of know how you get on!
