Sunday 15 January 2012

What a weekend! Motivation come find me!?

I had my first real test of my motivation this weekend.

Mammy taken into hospital on Friday morning, that meant no breakfast, and A&E being A&E, no lunch either... Mammy is fine... taken up residence in Tallaght Hospital for the weekend and as far as I can see is totally enjoying the break from a mad house! :)

Friday was a disaster. No food AT ALL until 7:30/8pm in the evening, so of course I was starving and despite having a Light Choices Lasagne with homemade coleslaw, I went well over my dailies by adding curly fries and garlic bread to the fray.I felt physically ill. Stuffed. Fit to be rolled into the bed!

Saturday was a new day, and if not for my new found friends on Weight Watchers thread and the support of my OH and little one I really think I would have thrown in the towel. Instead, I started with a 7 pro point breakfast, poached egg, potato farl, 1 piece of bacon, lots of mushrooms and tomatoes. Really filling and really enjoyable.

From there I hit the park, dragging the family with me. Brisk walk with the two of them approx a KM, then of course DD wanted playground so Daddy brought her there while I carried on for a further 3k jogging and walking. A few minutes on Wii Sport with DD when we got back then a 0point soup for me, Spiced Roasted Butternut Squash & Carrot Soup.

Up to the hospital for a vist, while avoiding the sweets and crisps on offer, I opted for the grapes.. :)

Back home for a really low point dinner of Pan Fried Haddock fillet with Lemon Cous Cous with lots of veggies. 5 pro points!!!! I used up the rest of my points on a snack of crackawheat and spreadable cheese (with cracked black pepper) and a yummy WW dessert for 2 pro points and a glass of WW wine for another 2 pro points.

Today, another 7 pro point breakfast, a lovely Prawn Salad with Pepper Carpaccio and a tea of a bacon, cheese & tomato tostada. Wii Fit for a good hour too.

So motivated I even made a lovely Cheesey Chicken & Mushroom Pasta Bake for tomorrows dinner...

Sorry for the long post!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Heya, best of luck with the blog, I find the WW thread on Boards an absolute lifesaver too - looking forward to reading more of your posts! Hope your Mam is doing well :)
