Thursday 26 January 2012

Lucky Number 7

So this week was a good week. I got my first silver seven. First of many I hope.

It hasn't been easy. I have had more than my fair share of wobbles. The lure of freshly cooked chips with salt and vinegar, or beautifully fattening chicken balls looked set to break me.

I hung on. Thanks again to my buddies on the forum for keeping me on track.

I'm quite lucky, bar one person at home who seems intent on bringing chippers home every second evening, the rest of my brood are so good with motivation for me. Whether its eating my low cal equivalents to their favourite dinners or even just coming walking or swimming with me, not to mention the compliments about how proud they are of me.

Living in a bit of a mad house, with mammy, my hubby, my sister and a boisterous ten year old along with mammy's partner and sisters boyfriend who come for dinner or breakfasts most days, we could all do with some form of healthy eating regimes, bar the ten year old who seems to have a metabolism of supersonic proportions!! Her likes and dislikes when it comes to food are quite easy to deal with on the WW wagon. She loves fruit, loves making smoothies, but like her father has a major addiction to pizza!! And playing basketball and swimming with her is great for the aul activity points!!!

As for the rest of us, well we are hardly an advertisement for fat families but my being on WW has had a really good effect on every one else. My mam, who bless her, hasn't been too well over the last few years and at 50 feels that your health is your wealth has really taken to a new outlook on her health. She still has the odd few chips every now and again, but she is more and more inclined to have the healthy option with me and as I said earlier, she has started walking with me and this evening... jogged!!!!! :D

The hubby is brilliant! He eats what I eat, although, he does have an amazingly sweet tooth so he tends to eat lots of chocolate etc...but his help with the walking... "Come on Ali, we are going for a walk" "Are ya ready to go swimming" etc... He stops me letting the day at work get to me and sit and veg on the couch... And the fecker is losing tonnes of weight himself... I would say at least half a stone if not more... He looks so much more toned already...

I have to say, the idea of Weight Watchers being a diet has totally left me. I see it as a lifestyle now. It makes complete and utter sense to me. If you eat crap day in day out the only way your weight is going to go is up. But if you have your treat and say to yourself, well I was naughty last night, maybe I should take it easy today. COMPLETE LOGIC!!!

 I really think my WW leader has got a lot to do with that. She helps sooooo much. She doesn't ram the programme down your throat. She gives tips that can actually be put into practise. Like me, she is more of a carbs girl and she lets the people in her class choose their own goals within the healthy weight range, and doesn't demand you set your goal on day one. Take one mini goal at a time.

Next goal for me is 2.5lbs down to my 5% goal!!

I will be posting some more recipes over the next few days.

(sorry for the rambling...this is my little vent for the day!! )

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