Friday 3 February 2012

Week 4... still on the way down.... :D

So this week I had worked really really hard, both with food and exercise. Was naughty at the weekend and had a KFC so that dipped into my weeklies in a big way!

Weigh in on Wednesday evening is always something I dread. The whole week... "I can't wait to see what I am this week" then when I'm standing in the queue i get petrified.

But this week I needn't have worried.... down 1.5lb! That is 8.5lb in 4 weeks. Very happy with that!

This weeks meetings were all about getting out and getting active. I can honestly say, I haven't been very active this week. I hate this "time of the month" :(

For the last few weeks I had a great routine going... We would arrive in from work and change straight away into our trackies and runners and head right out the door. I have been knocking a few minutes off my usual route consistently over the last few times I have done it. 50 minutes for a brisk 5k walk. not too shabby, for me anyway.

I haven't moved at all since Wednesday...not even the Wii fit, so i am determined to get out tomorrow and get moving. Hopefully any retaining weight I have will be going this Wednesday.

I am in no position to be preaching about getting fit and I am hardly going to run a marathon but trust me, the old adage... Eat less, move more is really working for me. Between being overweight, a smoker and having a dodgy leg (thanks to blood clots last year... which I blamed for putting on the 2 and a half stone I now need to lose.... any excuse except for the real reason which was that i just got plain lazy and ate my way out of depression and in a vicious circle ended up right in the middle of it again.... ), I can honestly say I am enjoying getting active again.

It is onwards and downwards from now on.... i just need a shot of motivation to get up of my hopefully soon decreasing ass!

Goal for this week is 1lb.... if i get there, I will have 5% in 5 weeks!

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